The Postgoodism movement seeks to challenge the traditionally
prevalent notion that works of art -- literature, music, film, poetry,
theater, architecture -- should have redeeming qualities such as social
relevance, deeper meaning, innovative craftsmanship or beauty. Good is
so over.
The Artist
The Movement was founded by Cort Stratton, who works by day
as a graphics programmer at a large video game company in Los Angeles
that you've totally heard of. He has no business writing or recording
music, but was unable to find any existing legislature that expressly
prohibits him from doing so.
The Music
A new album for 2022, dripping with the Movement's signature blend of unfocused dilettantism! Stream / download / more info here.
Back in 2016, I helped a friend record a song for a class project, and then gave them this remix as a birthday surprise. The track is available on Bandcamp
NaSoAlMo 2013! A bunch of chiptune-y songs in the style of the Lonely Ship soundtrack, a couple mopey acoustic ballads, and one mopey acoustic VNV Nation cover.
In which Postgoodism finally makes the leap from "composer with dubious qualifications" to "game soundtrack composer with dubious qualifications". The game is Lonely Ship by Inkling Games, and is available for purchase from the iOS App Store.
NaSoAlMo 2010! Yeah, we did that. As usual, the age-old struggle ensues: to release the tracks in their half-baked, poorly-mixed form, or keep them in a vault until there's time* to clean them up?
* Hint: there isn't.
Postgoodism has successfully completed an album for NaSoAlMo 2008, tentatively titled
Second-System Effect. Tracks will be posted as I finish them,
if at all -- frankly, some of these puppies are beyond hope.
01. | Solo | 5:44 |
02. | Subgenre Conventions Stipulate That This Song Must Have An Unwieldly And Self-Indulgent Title | 6:13 | sample |
03. | Grow Up | 5:06 |
04. | Whanganui (The Bridge To Nowhere) | 6:32 | download |
05. | Spiritual Successor | 6:19 | download |
I wrote some music for my wife and I to dance to at our wedding. It's a simple little acoustic-guitar waltz that I don't think would sound out of place on a Yasunori Mitsuda soundtrack. It has since become my single greatest hit, with a play count a couple orders of magnitude higher than its closest competitor, mostly (I suspect) due to its entirely generic name.
Piano was Postgoodism's contribution to the 2007 edition of National Solo Album Month. It was
written, performed, recorded and produced entirely within the month of
November, 2007. This serves equally well as both an explanation of and
an apology for the results.
In December 2006, bearded wonder Jonathan Coulton staged a
contest to remix his song "Code Monkey". If you're a Coulton fan,
you may already be familiar with the winner (Kristen
Shirts) and her ukelelelicious cover. Kristen has gone on to a
whirlwind life of fame and fortune, performing on-stage with JoCo at
numerous concerts. I came in third, and all I got was a signed CD boxed
Please note that the song linked to from the contest results
is wrong! When I submitted my entry, I had mistakenly muted a
number of the effect tracks (and a few entire instruments). The real,
authoratative version is the one below.